sentience politics造句


  1. In May 2016, Sentience Politics hosted the first annual Sentience Conference in Berlin.
  2. In June 2016, Sentience Politics began collecting signatures for a ballot initiative on fundamental rights for primates in Basel, Switzerland.
  3. Sentience Politics is a project of the Effective Altruism Foundation, whose other projects include Raising for Effective Giving and the Foundational Research Institute.
  4. As an effectiveness-focused anti-speciesist think tank, Sentience Politics attempts to identify and implement the most effective methods of helping both human and non-human sentient beings.
  5. According to Sentience Politics, Basel's existing animal welfare regulations are not sufficient to protect primates from death and suffering, for example in pharmaceutical experiments and in confinement at the Basel Zoo.
  6. It's difficult to find sentience politics in a sentence. 用sentience politics造句挺难的
  7. Sentience Politics endorses cause neutrality, the principle that the only relevant factor in deciding among causes ( e . g . working on farmed animal advocacy vs . wild animal suffering ) should be their relative effectiveness.
  8. On October 10, 2016, Sentience Politics, along with animal advocacy organizations Vebu and the Albert Schweitzer Foundation for Our Contemporaries began collecting signatures for a citizen s initiative in Berlin Kreuzberg that would require all schools and the town hall to offer a vegan option every day.
  9. In addition to its campaign for primate rights in Basel, Sentience Politics has ongoing campaigns in Basel, Lucerne, and Zurich to enact policies which would commit cantonal or municipal governments to promoting plant-based diets, including the offering of vegetarian and vegan options in public cafeterias.


  1. "sentics"造句
  2. "sentido"造句
  3. "sentidos"造句
  4. "sentidos opuestos"造句
  5. "sentience"造句
  6. "sentience quotient"造句
  7. "sentiences"造句
  8. "sentiencies"造句
  9. "sentiency"造句
  10. "sentient"造句

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